
Timelink, formerly known as MHK (Micro History with Kleio) is an information system designed for processing person related information collected from historical sources.

View the Project on GitHub joaquimrcarvalho/timelink

Create a new sources repository with a standard template

To ensure portability of code between timelink projects a standard layout for the directory containing the project kleio sources was created.

1. Register in github

To create a new git repository for a new project you need first to register or login with github at http://github.com.

2. Create a repository

Then go to https://github.com/joaquimrcarvalho/timelink-sources-template and click the Use this template green button.

Choose a name for the project repository, decide if it is public or private, and click on Create repository from template.

It is not necessary to select the Include all branches option.

3. Generate a personal access token

If you choose to create a private repository, or if you plan to push back updates, you will need to generate a personal access token for MHK to access the repository.

Follow these instructions on how to generate the personal access token. The simplest form is to generate a “classic” token with the repo scope. See https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens#creating-a-personal-access-token-classic

The token will be used by Timelink/MHK to access the repository. It is important to keep it secret.

4. Create a timelink/MHK user

If you have a local Timelink/MHK installation, you should create a timelink user to process the data and create a database from the information in the repository.

To create a timelink user connected to the new repository follow these instructions.

For more information see https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/creating-a-repository-from-a-template