Timelink, formerly known as MHK (Micro History with Kleio) is an information system designed for processing person related information collected from historical sources.
Timelink, formerly known as MHK (Micro History with Kleio) is an information system designed for processing person related information collected from historical sources.
Timelink provides:
Timelink is open source MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
For instalation instructions see: http://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/joaquimrcarvalho/mhk-manager
Source code of the current version is available at https://github.com/joaquimrcarvalho/mhk. Contact joaquim@uc.pt for access.
A public site with sample databases is available at http://timelink.uc.pt/mhk2019
This page is available at https://joaquimrcarvalho.github.io/timelink/